Team > Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Physikalisches Institut
2010 - heute | Lehrstuhlinhaber Experimental Physik I an der Universität Bayreuth |
2004 - 2010 | Leiter der Nachwuchsgruppe Zellulaere Biophysik am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) und dem Institut für Modellierung und Simulation in den Biowissenschaften (BIOMS), Heidelberg |
2003 - 2004 | Assistenz-Professor, MEMPHYS-Zentrum für Biomembranphysik, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Dänemark |
2001 - 2003 | EMBO Long Term Fellow am EMBL Heidelberg |
2000 | Promotion in Physik |
1997 - 2001 | MPI für Strömungsforschung, Abt. Nichtlineare Dynamik, Göttingen |
1997 | Diplom in Physik |
1995 - 1997 | Physikstudium, Universität Heidelberg |
1992 - 1995 | Physikstudium, Universität Frankfurt/Main |

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Physikalisches Institut
V. Borne and M. Weiss
Robust spatiotemporal organization of mitotic events in mechanically perturbed C. elegans embryos
Biophys. J. 124, 913-922 (2025)
S. Krauß and M. Weiss
Controlling phase separations and reactions in trapped microfluidic droplets
Sci. Rep. 14, 20998 (2024)
K. Speckner, F. Rehfeldt and M. Weiss
Intermittent subdiffusion of short nuclear actin rods due to interactions with chromatin
Phys. Rev. E 110, 014406 (2024)
C. Alfano, Y. Fichou, K. Huber, M. Weiss, E. Spruijt, S. Ebbinghaus, G. De Luca, M. Morando, V. Vetri, P. Temussi and A. Pastore
Molecular Crowding : The History and Development of a Scientific Paradigm
Chem. Rev. 124, 3186-3219 (2024)
R. Fickentscher, T. Ozawa, A. Kimura and M. Weiss
Dynamic Allometry of Nuclei in Early Embryos of Caenorhabditis elegans
Phys. Rev. X 14, 011016 (2024)
J. Jentzsch, H. Wunderlich, M. Thein, J. Bechthold, L. Brehm, S. Krauß, M. Weiss and K. Ersfeld
Microtubule polyglutamylation is an essential regulator of cytoskeletal integrity in Trypanosoma brucei
J. Cell Sci. 137, jcs261740 (2024)
V. Borne and M. Weiss
Robust spatiotemporal organization of mitotic events in mechanically perturbed C. elegans embryos
123, 1-10 (2024)
S. Scott, M. Weiss, C. Selhuber-Unkel, Y. Barooji, A. Sabri, J. Erler, R. Metzler and L. Oddershede
Extracting, quantifying, and comparing dynamical and biomechanical properties of living matter through single particle tracking
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 1513-1537 (2023)
P. Gires, M. Thampi, S. Krauß and M. Weiss
Exploring generic principles of compartmentalization in a developmental in vitro model
Development 150, dev200851 (2023)
F. Rehfeldt and M. Weiss
The random walker's toolbox for analyzing single-particle tracking data
Soft Matter 19, 5206-5222 (2023)
C. Dieball, D. Krapf, M. Weiss and A. Godec
Scattering fingerprints of two-state dynamics
New J. Phys. 24, 023004 (2022)
S. Krauß, P. Gires and M. Weiss
Deformation-induced actuation of cells in asymmetric periodic flow fields
Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, L082201 (2022)
R. Benelli and M. Weiss
Probing local chromatin dynamics by tracking telomeres
Biophys. J. 121, 2684-2692 (2022)
V. Sposini, D. Krapf, E. Marinari, R. Sunyer, F. Ritort, F. Taheri, C. Selhuber-Unkel, R. Benelli, M. Weiss, R. Metzler and G. Oshanin
Towards a robust criterion of anomalous diffusion
Commun Phys 5, 305 (2022)
O. Vilk, E. Aghion, T. Avgar, C. Beta, O. Nagel, A. Sabri, R. Sarfati, D. Schwartz, M. Weiss, D. Krapf, R. Nathan, R. Metzler and M. Assaf
Unravelling the origins of anomalous diffusion: From molecules to migrating storks
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033055 (2022)
K. Speckner and M. Weiss
Single-Particle Tracking Reveals Anti-Persistent Subdiffusion in Cell Extracts
Entropy 23, 892 (2021)
R. Benelli and M. Weiss
From sub- to superdiffusion : fractional Brownian motion of membraneless organelles in early C. elegans embryos
New J. Phys. 23, 063072 (2021)
J. Janczura, M. Balcerek, K. Burnecki, A. Sabri, M. Weiss and D. Krapf
Identifying heterogeneous diffusion states in the cytoplasm by a hidden Markov model
New J. Phys. 23, 053018 (2021)
K. Speckner, L. Stadler and M. Weiss
Unscrambling exit site patterns on the endoplasmic reticulum as a quenched demixing process
Biophys. J. 120, 2532-2542 (2021)
A. Sabri, X. Xu, D. Krapf and M. Weiss
Elucidating the Origin of Heterogeneous Anomalous Diffusion in the Cytoplasm of Mammalian Cells
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 058101 (2020)
J. Jentzsch, A. Sabri, K. Speckner, G. Lallinger-Kube, M. Weiss and K. Ersfeld
Microtubule polyglutamylation is important for regulating cytoskeletal architecture and motility in Trypanosoma brucei
J. Cell Sci. 133, jcs248047 (2020)
P. Gires, M. Thampi and M. Weiss
Miniaturized magnetic stir bars for controlled agitation of aqueous microdroplets
Sci Rep 10, 10911 (2020)
P. Gires, M. Thampi and M. Weiss
Quantifying active diffusion in an agitated fluid
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 21678-21684 (2020)
R. Benelli, P. Struntz, D. Hofmann and M. Weiss
Quantifying spatiotemporal gradient formation in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos with lightsheet microscopy
J. Phys. D 53, 295401 (2020)
C. Donth and M. Weiss
Quantitative assessment of the spatial crowding heterogeneity in cellular fluids
Phys. Rev. E 99, 052415 (2019)
M. Weiss
Resampling single-particle tracking data eliminates localization errors and reveals proper diffusion anomalies
Phys. Rev. E 100, 042125 (2019)
D. Krapf, N. Lukat, E. Marinari, R. Metzler, G. Oshanin, C. Selhuber-Unkel, A. Squarcini, L. Stadler, M. Weiss and X. Xu
Spectral Content of a Single Non-Brownian Trajectory
Phys. Rev. X 9, 011019 (2019)
M. Weiss
A tale about square dancers and maze runners
Nat. Mater. 17, 655-656 (2018)
K. Speckner, L. Stadler and M. Weiss
Anomalous dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum network
Phys. Rev. E 98, 012406 (2018)
R. Fickentscher, S. Krauß and M. Weiss
Anti-correlation of cell volumes and cell-cycle times during the embryogenesis of a simple model organism
New J. Phys. 20, 113001 (2018)
L. Stadler, K. Speckner and M. Weiss
Diffusion of Exit Sites on the Endoplasmic Reticulum : A Random Walk on a Shivering Backbone
Biophys. J. 115, 1552-1560 (2018)
P. Struntz and M. Weiss
The hitchhiker's guide to quantitative diffusion measurements
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 28910-28919 (2018)
O. Stiehl, A. Veres and M. Weiss
Monitoring Subcellular Stress Response via a Cell-permeant Rotor Dye
J. Fluoresc. 28, 605-613 (2018)
H. Pan, H. Yu, G. Guigas, A. Fery, M. Weiss, V. Patzel and D. Trau
Engineering and Design of Polymeric Shells : Inwards Interweaving Polymers as Multilayer Nanofilm, Immobilization Matrix, or Chromatography Resins
ACS Appl Mater Inter 9, 5447-5456 (2017)
S. Böckler, X. Chelius, N. Hock, T. Klecker, M. Wolter, M. Weiss, R. Braun and B. Westermann
Fusion, fission, and transport control asymmetric inheritance of mitochondria and protein aggregates
J. Cell Biol. 216, 2481-2498 (2017)
C. Ferencz, G. Guigas, A. Veres, B. Neumann, O. Stemmann and M. Weiss
In Vitro Reconstitution of the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Curr. Prot. Cell Biol. 76, 11.22.1–11.22.16 (2017)
L. Stadler and M. Weiss
Non-equilibrium forces drive the anomalous diffusion of telomeres in the nucleus of mammalian cells
New J. Phys. 19, 113048 (2017)
R. Fickentscher and M. Weiss
Physical determinants of asymmetric cell divisions in the early development of Caenorhabditis elegans
Sci. Rep. 7, 9369 (2017)
D. Hanft, T. Stöcker, P. Glosse, S. Denneler, M. Oomen, S. Kauffmann-Weiss, E. Günther, F. Weis, M. Weiss, W. Häßler, B. Holzapfel and R. Moos
Aerosol Deposition of MgB₂ as a novel processing method for superconducting tapes - (Poster)
Conference: 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 12), 21.-26. Mai 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
O. Stiehl and M. Weiss
Heterogeneity of crowded cellular fluids on the meso- and nanoscale
Soft Matter 12, 9413-9416 (2016)
M. Huranova, G. Muruganandam, M. Weiss and A. Spang
Dynamic assembly of the exomer secretory vesicle cargo adaptor subunits
EMBO Rep. 17, 202-219 (2016)
G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Effects of protein crowding on membrane systems
BBA Biomembranes 1858, 2441-2450 (2016)
P. Struntz and M. Weiss
Multiplexed measurement of protein diffusion in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos with SPIM-FCS
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49, 044002 (2016)
Special Issue on Molecular Movements in Biomembranes
R. Fickentscher, P. Struntz and M. Weiss
Setting the Clock for Fail-Safe Early Embryogenesis
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 188101 (2016)
C. Ferencz, G. Guigas, A. Veres, B. Neumann, O. Stemmann and M. Weiss
Shaping the endoplasmic reticulum in vitro
BBA Biomembranes 1858, 2035-2040 (2016)
J. Hoffmann, R. Fickentscher and M. Weiss
Influence of organelle geometry on the apparent binding kinetics of peripheral membrane proteins
Phys. Rev. E 91, 022721 (2015)
O. Stiehl, K. Weidner-Hertrampf and M. Weiss
Macromolecular crowding impacts on the diffusion and conformation of DNA hairpins
Phys. Rev. E 91, 012703 (2015)
G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Membrane protein mobility depends on the length of extra-membrane domains and on the protein concentration
Soft Matter 11, 33-37 (2015)
F. Verissimo, A. Halavatyi, R. Pepperkok and M. Weiss
A microtubule-independent role of p150glued in secretory cargo concentration at endoplasmic reticulum exit sites
J. Cell Sci. 128, 4160-4170 (2015)
A. Hartel, M. Glogger, G. Guigas, N. Jones, S. Fenz, M. Weiss and M. Engstler
The molecular size of the extra-membrane domain influences the diffusion of the GPI-anchored VSG on the trypanosome plasma membrane
Sci. Rep. 5, 10394 (2015)
N. Schweizer, N. Pawar, M. Weiss and H. Maiato
An organelle-exclusion envelope assists mitosis and underlies distinct molecular crowding in the spindle region
J. Cell Biol. 210, 695-704 (2015)
K. Tillmann, V. Reiterer, F. Baschieri, J. Hoffmann, V. Millarte, M. Hauser, A. Mazza, N. Atias, D. Legler, R. Sharan, M. Weiss and H. Farhan
Regulation of Sec16 levels and dynamics links proliferation and secretion
J. Cell Sci. 128, 670-682 (2015)
N. Pawar, C. Donth and M. Weiss
Anisotropic Diffusion of Macromolecules in the Contiguous Nucleocytoplasmic Fluid during Eukaryotic Cell Division
Curr. Biol. 24, 1905-1908 (2014)
N. Schweizer, M. Weiss and H. Maiato
The dynamic spindle matrix
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 28, 1-7 (2014)
M. Safra, R. Fickentscher, M. Levi-Ferber, Y. Danino, A. Haviv-Chesner, M. Hansen, T. Juven-Gershon, M. Weiss and S. Henis-Korenblit
The FOXO Transcription Factor DAF-16 Bypasses ire-1 Requirement to Promote Endoplasmic Reticulum Homeostasis
Cell Metab. 20, 870-881 (2014)
D. Ernst, J. Köhler and M. Weiss
Probing the type of anomalous diffusion with single-particle tracking
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 7686-7691 (2014)
M. Weiss
Crowding, Diffusion, and Biochemical Reactions
In: New Models of the Cell Nucleus : Crowding, Entropic Forces, Phase Separation, and Fractals, eds.: Ronald Hancock, Kwang W. Jeon
Amsterdam : Academic Press, 383-417 (2014)
O. Stiehl, K. Weidner-Hertrampf and M. Weiss
Kinetics of conformational fluctuations in DNA hairpin-loops in crowded fluids
New J. Phys. 15, 113010 (2013)
R. Fickentscher, P. Struntz and M. Weiss
Mechanical Cues in the Early Embryogenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans
Biophys. J. 105, 1805-1811 (2013)
M. Weiss
Single-particle tracking data reveal anticorrelated fractional Brownian motion in crowded fluids
Phys. Rev. E 88, 010101 (2013)
M. Hanulova and M. Weiss
Membrane-mediated interactions : a physico-chemical basis for protein sorting
Mol. Membr. Biol. 29, 177-185 (2012)
M. Hellmann, D. Heermann and M. Weiss
Enhancing phosphorylation cascades by anomalous diffusion
EPL 97, 58004 (2012)
D. Ernst, M. Hellmann, J. Köhler and M. Weiss
Fractional Brownian motion in crowded fluids
Soft Matter 8, 4886-4889 (2012)
M. Mercker, M. Ptashnyk, J. Kühnle, D. Hartmann, M. Weiss and W. Jäger
A multiscale approach to curvature modulated sorting in biological membranes
J. Theor. Biol. 301, 67-82 (2012)
M. Hanulova and M. Weiss
Protein sorting and membrane-mediated interactions
Biophys. Rev. 4, 117-124 (2012)
D. Morozova, M. Weiss and G. Guigas
Shape as a determinant of membrane protein cluster formation
Soft Matter 8, 11905-11910 (2012)
T. Büchling, V. Chaudhary, K. Spirohn, M. Weiss and M. Boutros
p24 proteins are required for secretion of Wnt ligands
EMBO Rep. 12, 1265-1272 (2011)
M. Hellmann, D. Heermann and M. Weiss
Anomalous reaction kinetics and domain formation on crowded membranes
EPL 94, 18002 (2011)
R. Berkovich, H. Wolfenson, S. Eisenberg, M. Ehrlich, M. Weiss, J. Klafter, Y. Henis and M. Urbakh
Accurate Quantification of Diffusion and Binding Kinetics of Non-integral Membrane Proteins by FRAP
Traffic 12, 1648-1657 (2011)
U. Schmidt and M. Weiss
Anomalous diffusion of oligomerized transmembrane proteins
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 165101 (2011)
M. Hellmann, J. Klafter, D. Heermann and M. Weiss
Challenges in determining anomalous diffusion in crowded fluids
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 234113 (2011)
D. Morozova, G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Dynamic Structure Formation of Peripheral Membrane Proteins
PLoS Comput. Biol. 7, e1002067 (2011)
G. Guigas, D. Morozova and M. Weiss
Exploring Membrane and Protein Dynamics with Dissipative Particle Dynamics
In: Computational chemistry methods in structural biology, eds.: Christo Christov
Burlington : Academic Press, 143-182 (2011)
N. Malchus and M. Weiss
Anomalous Diffusion Reports on the Interaction of Misfolded Proteins with the Quality Control Machinery in the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Biophys. J. 99, 1321-1328 (2010)
N. Malchus and M. Weiss
Elucidating Anomalous Protein Diffusion in Living Cells with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy : Facts and Pitfalls
J. Fluor. 20, 19-26 (2010)
U. Schmidt and M. Weiss
Hydrophobic mismatch-induced clustering as a primer for protein sorting in the secretory pathway
Biophys. Chem. 151, 34-38 (2010)
J. Kühnle, J. Shillcock, O. Mouritsen and M. Weiss
A Modeling Approach to the Self-Assembly of the Golgi Apparatus
Biophys. J. 98, 2839-2847 (2010)
D. Morozova and M. Weiss
On the Role of Acylation of Transmembrane Proteins
Biophys. J. 98, 800-804 (2010)
F. Kapahnke, U. Schmidt, D. Heermann and M. Weiss
Polymer translocation through a nanopore : The effect of solvent conditions
J. Chem. Phys. 132, 164904 (2010)
J. Winkler, A. Seybert, L. König, S. Pruggnaller, U. Haselmann, V. Sourjik, M. Weiss, A. Frangakis, A. Mogk and B. Bukau
Quantitative and spatio-temporal features of protein aggregation in Escherichia coli and consequences on protein quality control and cellular ageing
EMBO J. 29, 910-923 (2010)
J. Szymański, C. Mayer, U. Hoffmann-Rohrer, C. Kalla, I. Grummt and M. Weiss
Dynamic subcellular partitioning of the nucleolar transcription factor TIF-IA under ribotoxic stress
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1793, 1191-1198 (2009)
J. Szymański and M. Weiss
Elucidating the Origin of Anomalous Diffusion in Crowded Fluids
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 038102 (2009)
M. Hellmann, Y. Deng, M. Weiss and D. Heermann
Phase transition of a two-dimensional, multiplicatively coupled XY-Potts model
J. Phys. A 42, 225001 (2009)
H. Farhan, M. Weiss, K. Tani, R. Kaufman and H. Hauri
Adaptation of endoplasmic reticulum exit sites to acute and chronic increases in cargo load
EMBO J. 27, 2043-2054 (2008)
U. Schmidt, G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Cluster Formation of Transmembrane Proteins Due to Hydrophobic Mismatching
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 128104 (2008)
G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Influence of Hydrophobic Mismatching on Membrane Protein Diffusion
Biophys. J. 95, L25 - L27 (2008)
S. Heinzer, S. Wörz, C. Kalla, K. Rohr and M. Weiss
A model for the self-organization of exit sites in the endoplasmic reticulum
J. Cell Sci. 121, 55-64 (2008)
M. Weiss
Probing the Interior of Living Cells with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1130, 21-27 (2008)
G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Sampling the Cell with Anomalous Diffusion : The Discovery of Slowness
Biophys. J. 94, 90-94 (2008)
G. Guigas, C. Kalla and M. Weiss
The degree of macromolecular crowding in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of mammalian cells is conserved
FEBS Lett. 581, 5094-5098 (2007)
M. Hellmann, M. Weiss and D. Heermann
Monte Carlo simulations reveal the straightening of an end-grafted flexible chain with a rigid side chain
Phys. Rev. E 76, 021802 (2007)
G. Guigas, C. Kalla and M. Weiss
Probing the Nanoscale Viscoelasticity of Intracellular Fluids in Living Cells
Biophys. J. 93, 316-323 (2007)
O. Mouritsen, T. Andresen, A. Halperin, P. Hansen, A. Jakobsen, U. Jensen, M. Jensen, K. Jørgensen, T. Kaasgaard, C. Leidy, A. Simonsen, G. Peters and M. Weiss
Activation of interfacial enzymes at membrane surfaces
J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 18, S1293-S1304 (2006)
M. Prummer and M. Weiss
Bulk fluorescence measurements cannot probe the survival-time distribution of single molecules
Phys. Rev. E 74, 021115 (2006)
M. Weiss, J. Méndez-Bermúdez and T. Kottos
Resonance width distribution for high-dimensional random media
Phys. Rev. B 73, 045103 (2006)
R. Forster, M. Weiss, T. Zimmermann, E. Reynaud, F. Verissimo, D. Stephens and R. Pepperkok
Secretory Cargo Regulates the Turnover of COPII Subunits at Single ER Exit Sites
Curr. Biol. 16, 173-179 (2006)
G. Guigas and M. Weiss
Size-Dependent Diffusion of Membrane Inclusions
Biophys. J. 91, 2393-2398 (2006)
H. Runz, K. Miura, M. Weiss and R. Pepperkok
Sterols regulate ER-export dynamics of secretory cargo protein ts-O45-G
EMBO J. 25, 2953-2965 (2006)
A. Rowat, L. Foster, M. Nielsen, M. Weiss and J. Ipsen
Characterization of the elastic properties of the nuclear envelope
J. R. Soc. Interface 2, 63-69 (2005)
A. Jakobsen, O. Mouritsen and M. Weiss
Close-up view of the modifications of fluid membranes due to phospholipase A₂
J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 17, S4015-S4024 (2005)
M. Weiss, M. Elsner, F. Kartberg and T. Nilsson
Anomalous Subdiffusion Is a Measure for Cytoplasmic Crowding in Living Cells
Biophys. J. 87, 3518-3524 (2004)
M. Weiss
Challenges and Artifacts in Quantitative Photobleaching Experiments
Traffic 5, 662-671 (2004)
T. Kottos and M. Weiss
Current Relaxation in Nonlinear Random Media
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 190604 (2004)
M. Weiss and T. Nilsson
In a mirror dimly : tracing the movements of molecules in living cells
Trends in Cell Biol. 14, 267-273 (2004)
M. Elsner, H. Hashimoto, J. Simpson, D. Cassel, T. Nilsson and M. Weiss
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the COPI vesicle machinery
EMBO Reports 4, 1000-1004 (2003)
M. Weiss, H. Hashimoto and T. Nilsson
Anomalous Protein Diffusion in Living Cells as Seen by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Biophys. J. 84, 4043-4052 (2003)
M. Weiss, L. Hufnagel and R. Ketzmerick
Can simple renormalization theories describe the trapping of chaotic trajectories in mixed systems?
Phys. Rev. E 67, 046209 (2003)
M. Weiss and T. Nilsson
A Kinetic Proof-reading Mechanism for Protein Sorting
Traffic 4, 65-73 (2003)
M. Weiss
Stabilizing Turing patterns with subdiffusion in systems with low particle numbers
Phys. Rev. E 68, 036213 (2003)
T. Kottos and M. Weiss
Statistics of Resonances and Delay Times : A Criterion for Metal-Insulator Transitions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 056401 (2002)
M. Weiss, L. Hufnagel and R. Ketzmerick
Universal Power-Law Decay in Hamiltonian Systems?
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 239401 (2002)
L. Hufnagel, R. Ketzmerick and M. Weiss
Conductance fluctuations of generic billiards : Fractal or isolated?
EPL 54, 703-708 (2001)
A. Ossipov, M. Weiss, T. Kottos and T. Geisel
Quantum mechanical relaxation of open quasiperiodic systems
Phys. Rev. B 64, 224210 (2001)
R. Ketzmerick, L. Hufnagel and M. Weiss
Quantum Signatures of Typical Chaotic Dynamics
Adv. Sol. St. Phys. 41, 473-481 (2001)
J. Lanoix, J. Ouwendijk, A. Stark, E. Szafer, D. Cassel, K. Dejgaard, M. Weiss and T. Nilsson
Sorting of Golgi resident proteins into different subpopulations of COPI vesicles : a role for ArfGAP1
J. Cell Biol. 155, 1199-1212 (2001)
M. Weiss, T. Kottos and T. Geisel
Spreading and localization of wavepackets in disordered wires in a magnetic field
Phys. Rev. B 63, 081306 (2001)
M. Weiss, T. Kottos and T. Geisel
Taming chaos by impurities in two-dimensional oscillator arrays
Phys. Rev. E 63, 056211 (2001)
M. Weiss and T. Nilsson
Protein sorting in the Golgi apparatus : a consequence of maturation and triggered sorting
FEBS Lett. 486, 2-9 (2000)
L. Hufnagel, M. Weiss, A. Iomin, R. Ketzmerick, S. Fishman and T. Geisel
Metal-insulator transitions in the cyclotron resonance of periodic semiconductor nanostructures due to avoided band crossings
Phys. Rev. B 62, 15348-15351 (2000)
R. Ketzmerick, L. Hufnagel, F. Steinbach and M. Weiss
New Class of Eigenstates in Generic Hamiltonian Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1214-1217 (2000)
M. Weiss, T. Kottos and T. Geisel
Scaling properties of one-dimensional Anderson models in an electric field : Exponential versus factorial localization
Phys. Rev. B 62, 1765-1772 (2000)
M. Weiss, W. Welsch, M. von Schickfus and S. Hunklinger
Viscoelastic Behavior of Antibody Films on a Shear Horizontal Acoustic Surface Wave Sensor
Anal. Chem. 70, 2881-2887 (1998)

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Physikalisches Institut
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss
Universität Bayreuth
Lehrstuhl Experimentalphysik I
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (0)921 55-2500