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Physikalisches Institut

Experimentalphysik I - Physik lebender Materie - Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss

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Conference Biophysics of Development 29./30.09.2025

The conference aims to bring together scientists working at the interface of developmental biology and (bio)physics with a special focus on current and emerging trends.

Participation and registration (until 30/06/2025) is free of charge (travel and accommodation need to be organized and covered by participants).

Please send your registration with full name, status (PhD, Postdoc, PI), affiliation and abstract (if you wish to present your work) to: sekretariat.ep1@uni-bayreuth.de

Short talks will be selected from all submitted abstracts.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss

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